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His new book, "The Naked Future: What Happens In A World That Anticipates Your Every Move," is in stores this week. WERTHEIMER: Patrick Tucker is technology editor for the online journal Defense One. And he simply says that it's really everybody's right to access it. All of these uses are open through the app. And that means that more protesters will use it to take to the streets and government sympathetic militias might use it, as well, to goal and attempt to target of harass protesters.
#Zello radio free
You know, Bill Moore will tell you that his main priority right now is just to make sure that everyone who wants to use its app can continue to do so in a free and open way.
And that decision-making changes a lot depending on what's going on on the ground. Then stuff like this happens and they have a decision to make: Are you going to throw in, with your users - the people that have downloaded your app, who are essentially customers even if they're not paying, even if they're using a free version - or do you turn around and say no, this is not something we're very interested in getting involved in. They want to sell this stuff to businesses. TUCKER: The company heads that I've spoken to about this have said that what they really want to do is create a service that's useful to people - and useful enough that at some point folks decide to pay them for it. WERTHEIMER: Are these companies actually trying to attract protesters?
#Zello radio software
And next thing you know, you had other services - other software developers chime in and say: Well, we've created this solution that helps people that want to download this app, get around the government blockade. And that's what really began to inflame the international software community, sort of the international hacker community. And much of the attention has centered around the fact that there was an active government attempt to censor the app. TUCKER: So one key difference is that, in Ukraine, there was no attempt to block the use of the Zello app. WERTHEIMER: Is it all different, Venezuela from Ukraine? It's also used by smaller groups to organize very specific either evasive maneuvers or setting up barricades to do sort of thwart the national guard. So it's being used in Venezuela right now to organize lots of people coming out into the streets for these protests. It basically functions, in many ways, like ham radio or a telephone depending on how you set it. WERTHEIMER: How is it being used? Is it being used in the same way that folks in the Tahrir Square in Cairo used Twitter? Another big aspect of it is that it works well in places where it's hard to get her to get a Wi-Fi connection. TUCKER: Well, if you talk to Bill Moore and people that are using the app, they'll tell you a couple of different things. WERTHEIMER: So why are we seeing this app adopted by two mass movements in two different parts of the world? PATRICK TUCKER: Thank you so much for having me. He's the technology editor for the online magazine Defense One. We wanted to find out why, so we called on Patrick Tucker. He says over the past two weeks, Zello has been the number one overall app in Venezuela and Ukraine - more popular than any other. WERTHEIMER: That's Zello's CEO, Bill Moore. And one way to solve it, in fact the way we solve is we just don't, we don't retain information. And one key factor that's making Zello the go-to app among protesters, anonymity, something they don't get from Facebook or Twitter.īILL MOORE: We've had multiple requests from authorities for information. The walkie-talkie-like app allows smartphone users to send short voice messages from person to person or to a small group of people. From Caracas to Kiev, protesters are organizing with the help of a social media tool called Zello.